Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

What is it?

Since the AmeriCorps living allowance is not considered a wage or income, most AmeriCorps Members are eligible to receive SNAP benefits for food needs. Specific criteria for eligibility can be reviewed here

In Texas, SNAP benefits are issued in the form of a debit card, called the Lone Star Card, which is supplied with funds on a monthly basis. The Lone Star Card is accepted by most Texas grocery stores and some farmer’s markets, just like any other credit Card.

Members should complete the SNAP application as soon as possible, as it often takes several weeks for SNAP benefits to get set up. If you need help with your application, you can contact Texas Health & Human Services or your direct supervisor for more resources.

How do you apply?

Before you apply, you will need the following documents:

  • Letter of acceptance as an AmeriCorps member listing the stipend amount:

  • I.D. or Driver License

  • Social Security card for all household members applying

  • Proof of address (ex. current utility statement or tenant lease)

  • Bank accounts- the most current statement for all accounts

  • Proof of income from job- last 3 pay stubs or paychecks, a statement from your employer, or self-employment records

  • Many ACT organizations partner with the Central Texas Food Bank to help AmeriCorps members apply for SNAP benefits. 

  • To apply directly, visit

Using SNAP

You can use SNAP benefits at most major grocery outlets (H-E-B, Target, Costco, etc.). You can also use them at some specialty and health foods stores, such as Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Wheatsville, etc. Farmers markets, such as those run by Sustainable Food Center, accept SNAP benefits to promote better healthy buying options.

Although there are no nutritional standards for food purchased with SNAP benefits, there are some guidelines that provide distinctions about foods that may not be purchased with SNAP benefits. Please review the list below for more insight on those limitations

        • You can use SNAP to buy food, seeds, or plants to grow food.

        • You can’t use SNAP to buy alcohol drinks, tobacco products, hot food, or any food sold to eat in the store.

        • You can’t use SNAP to pay for deposits on refundable containers.

Other Benefits

If at least one member of your household qualifies for SNAP benefits, you may be eligible for a reduced-rate internet subscription from AT&T for just $10/month. Visit to see if you qualify for this program.